It most emphatically is. Homeopathy is a science that is founded on sound logic and extensive experimental data. It is the only pharmaceutical science that has collected data by proving on healthy humans rather than animals because humans can disclose their true feelings during testing whereas animals cannot. Homeopathic principles have been derived and validated through extensive clinical trials and data. The homoeopathic pharmacopoeia contains approximately 3000 treatments whose therapeutic efficacy has been demonstrated in numerous clinical trials done across the world.
No. Homeopathic medicine pills are made of sugar, however they serve simply as vehicles. Actual liquid medicine made from natural medicinal components is poured over the pills and administered as medication. Homeopathic medications are also available in liquid or tincture form, which can be taken directly or diluted in water as needed.
What appears to be true is not. The white pills supplied by a homoeopath are simply neutral vehicles or carriers of the actual medications sprinkled on them. When the actual drug is put over these white pills, the healing power of the drug is coated on them. Various medications are frequently used in varied potencies to best suit different patients. There are around 3000 medications and 10 different potencies (powers of medicines) of each medicine, allowing for a minimum of 30,000 different permutations and combinations.
The duration of treatment is determined by the type of the disease and the patient’s body’s ability to fight it. The treatment is required for a set period of time in order to improve the body’s resilience against disease. Taking all of these aspects into account, the treatment is extended for a set period of time for the patient’s benefit. When the patient begins to improve, we discontinue the medications, and the body’s natural immunity will take care of the remaining issues.

It is a fallacy that homoeopathic medications take time to work. Their action is immediate, but the effect lasts considerably longer, frequently indefinitely. The sickness is being treated from the ground up.

The duration of alleviation is proportional to the severity of the ailment. In reality, if a patient seeks homoeopathic treatment at the outset of an illness, he has a good chance of recovering quickly. Homoeopathic treatments also work quickly and efficiently in acute illnesses. For example, suppose one is suffer from cold cough, it was said that if he takes medicines he will recover from 1 week and if he will not take then also he will be alright in 7 days , but with homeopathic treatment one can be cured within 3 to 5 days .

A detailed history is crucial since homoeopathy treats the individual rather than the sickness. As a result, the doctor must learn everything he can about the patient. Furthermore, chronic diseases are caused by the suppression of skin affections or emotions; thus, a detailed history will disclose whether any previously suppressed ailments have resulted in the current problems.

There are several situations that have an impact on our lives. Knowing them provides information about the patient as a person, his qualities, and assists the physician in prescribing the appropriate medicine.

In order to get to the bottom of your problem, the homoeopath must first comprehend you, your nature, your complaints, and your disturbed mental and emotional state.

Any unusual habits you have, your past medical history, childhood information, or anything else about you will assist the doctor treat you. The physician can accurately examine your case if you provide an honest and correct history. Anything you tell your doctor will be kept totally confidential and helpful.

All homoeopathic medicines are made by extracting therapeutic qualities from source substances using scientifically proven processes. There is no need or opportunity to adulterate the resulting medications with additional ingredients, as this would completely destroy their curative powers. The prescription of homoeopathic medicines is based on the patient’s symptoms matching those produced by the substance (in its purest form) when tested on healthy people. Furthermore, steroids have a bitter flavour, whereas homoeopathic medications are sweet.

If the patient has any reservations, he should get the drugs tested at a reputable laboratory before taking them.

For the sake of the patient, the name of the medication is not divulged. If the patient, after learning the name of the drugs, begins taking them according to his or her whims and fancies, the disease picture will be distorted, making future therapy much more difficult. Certain medications must also be modified and administered based on the stage of the disease and recovery.

If the patient requests it, a copy of the case record can be provided at the end of the therapy, when the patient has fully recovered.

Yes. It is critical to diagnose a condition, but for the selection of the medicine, we need to know the patient’s unique symptoms, not the disease symptoms. For e.g. A person is experiencing an asthma attack, with wheezing and chest congestion, and the only way to obtain relief is to thrust his head backwards. Wheezing and chest congestion are signs of the sickness, but the most essential symptom for selecting a cure is relief by throwing head backwards.’ As a result, good illness knowledge is required to distinguish disease symptoms from individual distinctive symptoms. Pathological studies are also necessary to determine disease diagnosis and prognosis, as well as to assess progress.

Yes, the patient is merely instructed to wait 15 minutes before or after taking homoeopathic medication. Coffee, raw onion, and raw garlic must be avoided. Avoid eating mint, camphor, and menthol as these can either impair or counteract the action of the homoeopathic treatment. So basically any substance which has strong smell must be avoid 30 minutes before or after taking medicines.

Why not? Because a person’s daily food sugar intake would ordinarily much exceed the miniscule amount eaten in the form of homoeopathic pills (Approximately the quantity of sugar consumed with 1 cup of tea is same as being consumed by entire week of Homeopathic medication). The patient might also choose to take the medications orally or orally. Furthermore, homoeopathic medicines contain lactose, which is not dangerous to those with diabetes.

No. The patient should not discontinue the medications he is currently taking. It should be gradually reduced after the patient is improving, but only after consulting with the treating physician. In some circumstances, where the other medicine cannot be withdrawn, both medicines must be continued for the patient’s benefit. The treatment should be well-planned and executed.

No. The patient should not discontinue the medications he is currently taking. It should be gradually reduced after the patient is improving, but only after consulting with the treating physician. In some circumstances, where the other medicine cannot be withdrawn, both medicines must be continued for the patient’s benefit. The treatment should be well-planned and executed.
There may be an initial exacerbation of symptoms in some situations, but this is a good sign that the treatment is working. However, this occurs in a small number of cases, and not all patients will have an aggravation; the majority of patients will simply experience long-term improvement.

Yes. It is usually preferable to take homoeopathic remedies prescribed by a certified homoeopathic doctor. If the treatment is properly arranged, both the mother and the kid will profit greatly. The youngster will be considerably healthier, and the medications will aid in the fight against hereditary ailments that are passed down from generation to generation. In reality, if homoeopathy is used during pregnancy, the birth will be more typical and smoother. The child will be generally healthier and more emotionally balanced, as well as cognitively and physically stronger.

There is no disease that Homeopathy cannot cure. Homeopathy can heal everything from a common cold to cancer. It considers the particular symptoms of the patient suffering from any ailment rather than the disease’s diagnosis. Certain disorders that cannot be recognised clinically or even unknown diseases can be treated as a result of this. In incurable circumstances, where even contemporary treatment fails to help the patients, homoeopathy can be a very good palliative, improving the last days of life and easing death. This occurs in advanced stages of cancer, and we can simply and efficiently relieve discomfort.

Yes. When a person chooses homoeopathy at the outset of an ailment, it offers great medicines that provide immediate treatment in acute situations such as fever, cough, cold, diarrhoea, headaches, and so on.

It certainly does. Surgery is a distinct field of medicine. It must be used in situations that are outside the scope of medicine. However, in some circumstances, surgery can be avoided because homoeopathy can effectively treat many so-called surgical illnesses such as tonsillitis, piles, warts, kidney stones, and so on.

He/She certainly should. There have been apparent “miracle cures” by lay people practising homoeopathy, but it is always advisable to consult a homoeopathic physician, as they is qualified to judge the severity and depth of your illness and thus prevent unnecessary complications later on, which a hobby practitioner may overlook due to his ignorance of scientific medical knowledge. Only a trained medical professional can help you to complete mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, and pathological recovery.

Homeopathic remedies do not have any adverse effects. After taking homoeopathic remedies, you may get a cold, skin rash, or minor discharge. This indicates that the system is being cleansed. Similarly, earlier symptoms such as constipation, warts, or skin rashes may resurface. Do not use any medication to address these reappearing old symptoms, as they will go away in a short time and you will be well for a long time.