About Me

Dr. Mona best homeopathic doctor. She exudes professionalism.

Dr. Mona Shah
20+ years of experience
as a Homeopathic consultant

Dr. Mona best homeopathic doctor. She exudes professionalism.

Dr. Mona Shah
20+ years of experience
as a Homeopathic consultant

With over 24 years of experience, Dr.Mona understands and uniquely treats patients. She has cured many diseases successfully in her Monaarc Homoeopathic Clinic. She studied  Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery at Dr. V.H.Dave Homoeopathic medical college, Anand, Gujarat., and has done Master Clinician Degree in Classical Homeopathy from the same college. She has attended several seminars and conferences on Homeopathy. She also loves sharing her knowledge with the new generation as a professor in a homeopathic college.

She initiated her practice in 1999 and progressed to be an expert in assessing patients’ health by documenting complete case history, test reports and prescriptions to be used during the treatment.

About Monaarc clinic

Monaarc Homeopathy Clinic is a renowned clinic that offers the best quality, non-toxic, and highly effective treatment in Surat. Our treatment is based on the rich and traditional classical homeopathic knowledge and usage of advanced technology. We provide efficient service that brings healing power to the patients.

We aim to spread the homeopathic treatment to numerous patients suffering from a broad range of diseases and to achieve success in patient care by using classical homeopathy under the brand Monaarc Homeopathic Clinic.

We offer excellent patient care, and the best service and strive to improve every patient’s health vigorously. We also provide the best medical treatment, diet advice as well prophylactic measures to boost the overall health of a patient.


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